Friday, December 25, 2015

2. saṁtuṣṭi

2. Contentment
(chi-soku; knowing satisfaction)

The Tibetan translation of Aśvaghoṣa's Buddhacarita Canto 26:
| gal te grol bar ’dod na tshim pa bsñen mdzod daṅ | | tshim pa na ni ’dir bde de ’di chos yin źiṅ |
| tshim pa rnams ni sar yaṅ bde bar gñid log ste | | chim med rnams ni mtho ris na yaṅ rnam par sreg |  56
| phyug kyaṅ chim pa med pa rtag tu dbul po ste | | dbul yaṅ tshim pa daṅ ldan rtag tu phyug po ñid |
| tshim pa med pa sdug pa’i yul rnams daṅ ’bye źiṅ | | tshim pas ’gro ba ṅal ba ldan la mya ṅan byed |  57
EHJ56. If you desire salvation, practise contentment; with contentment there is bliss here and it is the Law. The contented sleep peacefully even on the ground, the discontented are burnt up even in Paradise.
EHJ57. The discontented man, however rich is always poor, and the contented man, however poor, is always rich. The discontented man, seeking the beloved objects of sense, creates suffering for himself by toiling to obtain satiety. 

The Chinese translation of Aśvaghoṣa's Buddhacarita Canto 26:
若欲求解脱 亦應習知足 
If one seeks deliverance, one should develop satisfaction too!
知足常歡喜 歡喜即是法
The heart is always joyful when satisfied. Joy is nothing but the Law.
資生具雖陋 知足故常安    
“Even if the provisions one depends upon are lowly, one is always content and satisfied.
不知足之人 雖得生天樂  
以不知足故 苦火常燒心    
Even if someone who is unable to feel satisfied obtains the happiness of rebirth in heaven, the fire of suffering permanently burns his mind, because he is not satisfied.
富而不知足 是亦爲貧苦
“If [you are] wealthy but not satisfied, this too is poverty.
雖貧而知足 是則第一富
When [you are] satisfied even though poor, this is the highest wealth.
其不知足者 五欲境彌廣
“If one is not satisfied, the objects of the five desires become even larger.
猶更求無厭 長夜馳騁苦
One seeks even more and tirelessly hurries toward suffering for a long time.
汲汲懷憂慮 反爲知足哀
In his effort he feels anxiety and, on the other hand, he is pitied by those who are satisfied.

Anuruddha Sutta
“When it was said: ‘This Dhamma is for one who is content (santuṭṭhassa), not for one who is discontent (asantuṭṭhassa),’ with reference to what was this said?
Here, a bhikkhu is content with any kind of robes, almsfood, lodgings, and medicines and provisions for the sick. When it was said: ‘This Dhamma is for one who is content, not for one who is discontent,’ it is with reference to this that this was said.

Yuikyo-gyo (Bequeathed Teaching Sūtra)
汝等比丘。若欲脱諸苦惱。當觀知足。 知足之法即是富樂安隱之處。 知足之人雖臥地上猶爲安樂。 不知足者雖處天堂亦不稱意。 不知足者雖富而貧。知足之人雖貧而富。不知足者常爲五欲所牽。爲知足者之所憐愍。 是名知足。
Nishijima-Cross translation from Master Dogen's Shobogenzo Chapter 95:
If you bhikṣus desire to get rid of all kinds of suffering, you should reflect on knowing satisfaction. The practice of knowing satisfaction is the very place of abundance, joy, and peace. People who know satisfaction, even when lying on the ground, are still comfortable and joyful. Those who do not know satisfaction, even when living in a heavenly palace, are still not suited. Those who do not know satisfaction, even if rich, are poor. People who know satisfaction, even if poor, are rich. Those who do not know satisfaction are constantly led by the five desires; they are pitied by those who know satisfaction. This is called to know satisfaction.”

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