Tuesday, October 18, 2011

SAUNDARANANDA 18.22: How to Honour the Buddha

uttiṣṭha dharme sthita śiṣya-juṣṭe
kiṃ pādayor-me patito 'si murdhnā /
abhyarcanaṃ me na tathā praṇāmo
dharme yathaiṣā pratipattir-eva //18.22 //

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"You who stands firm
in the dharma loved by those who study it,
stand up!

Why are you fallen with your head at my feet?

The prostration does not honour me so much

As this surefootedness in the dharma.

As maybe befits a booming voice of Buddha, each pāda in today's verse begins with a heavy syllable. In other words, each pāda is Indravajrā (I). An 11-syllable Upajāti verse in which each of the four pādas is Indravajrā (IIII) is itself classified as Indravajrā. It is the most frequently occuring form of Upajāti verse in Aśvaghoṣa's writing.

Line 1, as I read it, brings to mind Dogen's words that mountains belong to those who love mountains.

With regard in line 4 to surefootedness in the dharma (dharme pratipatti), it might be the kind of assurance in the dharma that is manifested primarily via feet on the ground -- i.e. not primarily by stridently talking the talk but primarily by quietly walking the walk.

EH Johnston:
'Rise up, for you stand in the Law beloved of My followers. Do not lay your head at My feet; you do not do Me so much reverence by obeisance as by this acceptance of the Law.

Linda Covill:
"O you who abide in the dharma so cherished in a pupil, stand up! Why do you lie with your head at my feet? Your prostration does not honour me as much as your entry into the dharma."

uttiShTha = 2nd pers. imperative utthaa: (ud- √sthaa) to stand up , spring up , rise
dharme (log. sg.): in the Dharma
sthita: mfn. standing, standing firm ; standing , staying , situated , resting or abiding or remaining in (loc.)
sthita (voc. sg. m.): O you who stand!
shiShya-juShTe (loc. sg.): pupil-served, served/loved by those who study it
shiShya: mfn. to be taught; to be instructed; m. a pupil , scholar , disciple;
śiṣ: weak form of √śās: to chastise , correct , censure , punish ; to restrain , control , rule , govern ; to teach, instruct
juShTa: mfn. pleased ; liked , wished , loved , welcome , agreeable ; frequented , visited , inhabited ; served , obliged , worshipped ; practised; furnished with , possessed of (instr. or in comp.)
juṣ: to be pleased or satisfied or favourable; to devote one's self to (acc.) , practise , undergo , suffer; to delight in visiting , frequent , visit , inhabit , enter (a carriage &c )

kim: what? how? whence? wherefore? why?
paadayoH (loc./gen. dual): feet
me (gen. sg.): of me, my
patitaH (nom. sg m.): mfn. fallen , dropped , descended
asi: you are
muurdhnaa = inst. sg. muurdhan: m. the forehead , head in general ,

abhyarcanam (nom. sg.): n. worship , reverence
arcana: ifc. honouring , praising ; nf. (am , ā ) homage paid to deities and to superiors
arc: to shine; to praise , sing ; to honour or treat with respect
me (dat./gen. sg.): to/of me
na: not
tathaa: so
praNaamaH (nom. sg.): m. bending , bowing , a bow , respectful salutation , prostration , obeisance

dharme (loc. sg.): in the Dharma
yathaa: as
eShaa (nom. sg. f.): this, this here, here (especially as pointing to what is nearest to the speaker)
pratipattiH (nom. sg.): f. gaining , obtaining , acquiring ; giving , granting , bestowing on (loc. or comp) ; causing , effecting ; beginning , action , procedure in or with (loc.); confidence , assurance , determination ; resource , means for (loc.) , expedient against (gen.)
prati: towards, in the direction of
patti: f. (fr. √ pad, to stand fast or fixed) going , moving , walking
eva: (emphatic)

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