Sunday, November 14, 2010

SAUNDARANANDA 6.30: Natural Sounds of Grieving

saa cakravaak" iiva bhRshaM cukuuja
vispardhamaan" eva vimaana-saMsthaiH
paaraavataiH kuujana-lola-kaNThaiH

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Like a cakra-vaka duck,
when a hawk is clawing her mate's wing-tip,

She hooted mightily,

As if in competition
with the pigeons on the palace roof,

Cooing with their throats all atremble.

Sundari is a natural, and I wish my sitting could be as free as her grieving -- only consciously so.

EH Johnston:
She moaned like a shelduck when its mate has had the tip of its wing broken by a hawk, and vied as it were (with her moans) with the pigeons on the palace roof, when their throats heave with cooing.

Linda Covill:
She moaned loudly, like a chakra-vaka bird when a hawk has wounded the tip of her mate's wing, as if to compete with the pigeons gathered on the palace roof, their throats tremulous with cooing.

saa (nom. sg. f.): she
cakra-vaakii (nom. sg.): f. a chakra-vaka duck
iva: like
bhRsham: ind. strongly , violently , vehemently , excessively , greatly , very much
cukuuja = 3rd. pers. sg. perfect kuuj: to make any inarticulate or monotonous sound , utter a cry (as a bird) , coo (as a pigeon) , caw (as a crow) , warble , moan , groan , utter any indistinct sound

shyen'-aagra-pakSha-kShata-cakravaakaa (nom. sg. f.): the wing-tip of her chakra-vaka drake having been wounded by a hawk
shyena: m. a hawk , falcon , eagle , any bird of prey
agra: tip
pakSha: wing
kShata: mfn. wounded , hurt , injured ; broken , torn , rent , destroyed , impaired
cakravaaka: m. the chakra bird (Anas Casarca, ruddy sheldrake ; the couples are supposed to be separated and to mourn during night)

vispardhamaanaa = nom. sg. f. pres. part. vi- √ spardh: to vie with
iva: like, as if ; nearly , almost;
vimaana-saMsthaiH (inst. pl.): standing on the palace
vimaana: m. n. a car or chariot of the gods; lofty palace
saMstha: mfn. standing together , standing or staying or resting or being in or on

paaraavataiH (inst. pl.): pigeons
kuujana-lola-kaNThaiH (inst. pl.): their throats cooing inconstantly
kuujana: n. (fr. kuuj) the uttering of any inarticulate sound , cooing , moaning
lola: mfn. moving hither and thither , shaking , rolling , tossing , dangling , swinging , agitated , unsteady , restless; inconstant, fickle
kaNTha: the throat , the neck; the voice
√kaN: to become small ; to sound , cry

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