Friday, October 1, 2010

SAUNDARANANDA 5.27: Three Tyrannical Tormentors

jaraa-samaa n'aasty amRjaa prajaanaaM
vyaadheH samo n'aasti jagaty an-arthaH
mRtyoH samaM n'aasti bhayaM pRthivyaam
etat trayaM khalv avashena sevyaM

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Nothing takes away people's beauty like aging,

There is no misfortune in the world like sickness,

And no terror on earth like death.

Yet these three, inevitably, shall be obeyed.

EH Johnston:
Old age has no equal in taking men's beauty, no calamity in the world equals disease, no danger on earth equals death ; yet you must undergo these three whether you would or no.

Linda Covill:
Nothing befouls mankind so much as old age, no misfortune in the world can equal sickness, no danger on earth compares with death. Yet one must submit to this triad, however unwillingly.

jaraa-samaa (nom. sg. f.): equal to aging
jaraa: f. the act of becoming old , old age
sama: mfn. same , equal , similar , like , equivalent ; like in or with regard to anything (comp.)
n'aasti: there is not
a-mRjaa (nom. sg. f.): im-purification ; non-embellishment
mRjaa: f. wiping , cleansing , washing , purification , ablution ; purity , cleanliness
mRj: to wipe , rub , cleanse , polish , clean , purify , embellish , adorn
prajaanaam (gen. pl.): f. procreation ; a creature , animal , man , mankind

vyaadheH = gen. sg. vyaadhi: m. disorder , disease , ailment , sickness
samaH (nom. sg. m.): mfn. same , equal , similar , like , equivalent ; like in or with regard to anything (comp.)
n'aasti: there is not
jagati = loc. sg. jagat: n. the world , esp. this world , earth
an-arthaH (nom. sg. m.): m. non-value , a worthless or useless object ; disappointing occurrence , reverse , evil

mRtyoH = gen. sg. mRtyu: m. death, dying
samam (nom. sg. n.): mfn. same , equal , similar , like , equivalent ; like in or with regard to anything (comp.)
n'aasti: there is not
bhayam (nom. sg.): n. fear; sg. and pl. terror , dismay , danger , peril , distress
pRthivyaam = loc. sg. pRthivii: f. the earth or wide world

etat (nom. sg. n.): this , this here , here (especially as pointing to what is nearest to the speaker)
trayam (nom. sg. n.): triad, threesome
khalu: ind. (as a particle of asseveration) indeed , verily , certainly , truly
avashena = inst. sg. a-vasha: mfn. unsubmissive to another's will , independent , unrestrained , free ; not having one's own free will , doing something against one's desire or unwillingly
sevyam (nom. sg. n.): mfn. (from gerundive sev) to be resorted to ; to be followed (as a path) ; to be waited upon or served or obeyed
sev: to remain or stay at , live in , frequent , haunt , inhabit , resort to (acc.) ; to serve , wait or attend upon , honour , obey ; to exist or be found in anything (acc.)

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