Tuesday, August 24, 2010

SAUNDARANANDA 4.2: Lord Love a Duck

sa cakravaaky" eva hi cakravaakas
tayaa sametaH priyayaa priy'-aarhaH
n'aacintayad vaishramaNaM na shakraM
tat-sthaana-hetoH kuta eva dharmaM

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For joined with his wife
like a cakra-vaka drake with a cakra-vaka duck,

And fitted for love,

He turned his thoughts
neither to Vaishravana nor to Shakra:

How much less, in that state, did he think about dharma?

EH Johnston:
For worthy of love, he lived with his mistress like a sheldrake with its mate and because of her presence he paid no heed to (the worship of) Vaisravana and Sakra, still less therefore to the Law.

Linda Covill:
For Nanda was fitted for love, and so lived united with his beloved like a chakra-vaka bird with its mate. In this situation he thought of neither Vaishravana nor Shakra, let alone the dharma.

sa (nom. sg. m.): he
cakravaakyaa = inst. sg. cakravaakii: the female of the chakra bird
iva: like
hi: for
cakravaakaH (nom. sg.): m. the chakra bird (Anas Casarca ; the couples are supposed to be separated and to mourn during night)

tayaa (inst. sg. f.): with her
sametaH (nom. sg. m.): mfn. come together , assembled , joined , united ; connected or united or furnished with , possessed of (instr. or comp.)
priyayaa = inst. sg. priyaa: f. a mistress , wife
priy'aarhaH (nom. sg. m.): fitted for love
priya: n. love , kindness , favour , pleasure
arha: mfn. becoming , proper , fit (with gen. or ifc.)

na: not
acintayat = 3rd pers. sg. imperfect cint: to think about , reflect upon , direct the thoughts towards , care for (acc.)
vaishravaNam = wrong reading for vaishravaNam (acc. sg.): m. (fr. vi-shravaNa) a patr. (esp. of kubera and raavaNa)
kubera: N. of a chief of the evil beings or spirits or darkness having the N. vaishravaNa; (afterwards) the god of riches and treasure (regent of the northern quarter which is hence called kubera-guptaa dish)
na: not
shakram (acc. sg.): mfn. strong , powerful , mighty (applied to various gods , but esp. to indra) ; m. name of Indra

tat-sthaana-hetoH: (abl./gen. sg.) because of being in that state
tat: he, she, it, that, this
sthaana: the act of standing ; staying , abiding , being in or on (loc. or comp.) ; state , condition (ifc. = " being in the state of ") ; case, occurrence, occasion
hetu: m. cause (" for a cause or reason " , " by reason of " , " on account of " [with gen. or comp.])
kutaH: ind. how? in what manner? how much less? much less
eva: (emphatic)
dharmam (acc. sg.): m. dharma, truth, the law, etc.

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