Saturday, August 21, 2010

SAUNDARANANDA 3.28 - 37: Helping Everybody Observe a Universal Principle

This series of verses, as I read it now, is not about ten precepts. It is about one rule, or one principle, and that is the preventive principle (niyama-vidhim; 3.29). Again, the most skillful and powerful means expressed in 3.37 is not ten Buddhist precepts but is just a person's own conduct, an individual's use of himself or herself, in the singular (karman).

The preventive principle does not belong to Buddhism. It is a universal principle, or a kind of law of the Universe. Having found it out for himself, FM Alexander expressed it thus:

"Stop doing the wrong thing, and the right thing does itself."

This is a kind of scientific proposition, a hypothesis that every individual can test out in the laboratory of his or her own practice -- whether it be the supreme laboratory of sitting still, as taught by the Buddha and recommended by Dogen in his Rule of Sitting-Zen Recommended for Everybody (Fukan-zazengi), or in other kinds of non-doing practice, like swimming without stress, or indeed in the everyday activities of life.

The fundamental idea behind the formation of "Dogen Sangha" was to create a Buddhist organization "in the middle way between the Soto Sect and secular society." But I rejected that idea as soon as I heard it. To my ears, the idea did not sound quite true. It sounded like an idea somehow still stuck in the limited area of religious thought. Mind you, my sensory appreciation is very faulty, so I am always liable to be proved wrong. Dogen Sangha might in time prove to be a skillful and effective means of spreading the Buddha's teaching. And pigs might fly.

In a talk this summer in Nagano, Japan, the Dalai Lama discusses three approaches to ethics, based on theistic religions, non-theistic religions such as Buddhism and Jainism, and a third way which has nothing to do with religion. DL calls it "secular"; but I much prefer his negative description of it as "nothing to do with religion." Whereas religious approaches are limited, DL states, the approach which has nothing to do with religion is universal. The Dalai Lama's talk sounded to me like a non-Buddha teaching non-Buddhist truth. To my ears, what the Dalai Lama said sounded true.

When I came back to England after 13 years in Japan, I found it very refreshing, after I got used to it, to call veteran Alexander teachers by their first names, and to be called by them in return simply Mike -- with no question ever arising of adding a prefix "Ven." or "Mr." For Mike is who I am, an individual human being named Mike, struggling to observe a universal preventive principle.

bahavaH prasanna-manaso 'tha
shaakya-tanaya-vRShabhaaH kRtino
vRShabhaa iv' aanala-bhayaat pravavrajuH

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Many then who were clear in mind

-- Alert to the agony of birth and death --

Among mighty Shakya-born men of action

Went forth into the wandering life,
like bulls startled by fire.

bahavaH (nom. pl. m.): many
prasanna-manasaH (nom. pl. m.): being clear in mind
prasanna: pure, tranquil, clear
manas: mind
atha: then, so

janana-maraN'-aarti-bhiiravaH (nom. pl. m.): fearful of the miseries of being born and dying
janana: n. the act of coming into existence, birth
maraNa: n. the act of dying, death
aarti: painful occurrence, pain, injury, mischief; sickness
bhiiru: mfn. fearful, timid, cowardly, afraid of

shaakya-tanaya-vRShabhaaH (nom. pl. m.): Shakya-born bulls
shaakya: Shakya; name of Gautama's clan
tanaya: mfn. propagating a family , belonging to one's own family ; n. posterity , family , race , offspring , child
vRShabha: mfn. manly , mighty , vigorous , strong ; m. a bull
kRtinaH = nom. pl. m. kRtin: mfn. one who acts, active

vRShabhaaH (nom. pl. m.): bulls
iva: like
anala-bhayaat (abl. sg.): from fear of fire
anala: fire
bhaya: fear
pravavrajuH = 3rd pers. pl. perfect pra- √ vraj: to go forth , proceed , depart from (abl.) , set out for , go to (acc. loc. or dat.) ; to leave home and wander forth as an ascetic mendicant

vijahus tu ye 'pi na gRhaani
te 'pi niyama-vidhim aa maraNaaj
jagRhush ca yukta-manasash ca dadhrire

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But even those who did not leave home,

Out of regard for children or father or mother:

They also, until their death,
embraced the preventive rule.

They embraced the rule and held to it, with ready minds.

vijahuH = 3rd pers. pl. perfect vi- √ haa: to leave behind , relinquish , quit , abandon
tu: but, though
ye (nom. pl. m.): who
api: even, also
na: not
gRhaani (acc. pl.): n. home, house, wife.

tanaya-pitR-maatr-apekShayaa (inst. sg.): out of regard for offspring, fathers, and mothers
tanaya: belonging to one's own family; sons and daughters; offspring
pitR: father
maatr: mother
apekShaa: f. looking round or about , consideration of , reference , regard to (in comp. ; rarely loc.)

te (nom. pl. m.): those
api: also
niyama-vidhim (acc. sg.): use of restraint ; rule of restraint
niyama: m. restraining , checking , holding back , preventing , controlling ; limitation , restriction ; any fixed rule or law , necessity , obligation
vidhi: m. a rule , formula , injunction , ordinance , statute , precept , law , direction ; use , employment , application ; method , manner or way of acting , mode of life , conduct , behaviour ; a means , expedient
aa (with abl.): until
maraNaad = abl. sg. maraNa: n. dying, death

jagRhuH = 3rd pers. pl. perfect grah: to seize , take (by the hand) ; to take possession of
ca: and
yukta-manasaH (nom. pl. m.): mfn. fixing the mind , ready-minded , attentive
ca: and
dadhrire = 3rd pers. pl. perfect dhR: to hold , bear (also bring forth) , carry , maintain , preserve , keep , possess , have , use , employ , practise , undergo

na jihiMsa suukShmam api jantum
api para-vadh'-opajiivanaH
kiM bata vipula-guNaH kula-jaH
sadayaH sadaa kim u muner upaasakaH

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No living creature, no matter how small,
was subjected to violence,

Even by a person who killed for a living,

Still less by a man of great virtue,
good family and unfailing gentleness;

And how much less by a servant of the sage?

na: not
jihiMsa = 3rd pers. sg. perfect hiMs: (orig. Desid. of √ han) to injure , harm , wound , kill , destroy
suuKShmam (acc. sg. m.): tiny, insignificant, minute
api: even
jantum (acc. sg): m. creature, living being

api: also, even
para-vadh'-opajiivanaH (nom. sg. m.): one whose livelihood is to kill others
para: m. another (different from one's self) , a foreigner , enemy , foe , adversary
vadha: m. one who kills , a slayer , vanquisher , destroyer
upajiivana: n. livelihood , subsistence

kiM bata: (interjection of astonishment)
vipula-guNaH (nom. sg. m.): one of abundant virtue
vipula: abundant, enormous, great
guNa: virtue, good quality, merit
kula-jaH (nom. sg. m.): born to a good family, well-bred person
kula: n. family, house ; a noble or eminent family or race
ja: mfn. (ifc.) born or descended from

sa-dayaH (nom. sg. m.): mfn. merciful, compassionate, kind, gentle
sadaa: ind. always, ever
kim u: still more, even more so
muneH = gen. sg muni: m. sage
upaasakaH (nom. sg. m.): mfn. serving, a servant; m. worshipper, follower, Buddhist lay worshipper

a-kRsh'odyamaH kRsha-dhano 'pi
para-paribhav'-aa-saho 'pi san
n' aanya dhanam apajahaara tathaa
bhujagaad iv' aanya-vibhavaadd hi vivyathe

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The man who was not shy of hard work
but still short of money,

Though he could not bear the other's slights,

Did not, even so, carry off the other's goods;

For he shrank from others' riches as from a snake.

a-kRsh'odyamaH (nom. sg. m.): one not short on self-exertion
a-KRsha: mfn. not emaciated, unimpaired
KRsha: mfn. lean , emaciated , thin , spare , weak , feeble ; small , little , minute , insignificant
udyama: m. the act of raising or lifting up , elevation; the act of striving after , exerting one's self , exertion , strenuous and continued effort , perseverance , diligence , zeal
kRsha-dhanaH (nom. sg. m.): one of scant wealth
kRsha: lean, emaciated, spare, poor
dhana: n. any valued object , (esp.) wealth , riches , (movable) property , money , treasure , gift ; capital
api: even

para-paribhav'-aa-sahaH (nom. sg. m.): intolerant of others' insults
para: m. another (different from one's self) , a foreigner , enemy , foe , adversary
paribhava: m. insult , injury , humiliation , contempt , disgrace
pari- √ bhuu : to surround ; to be superior , excel , surpass , subdue , conquer ; to pass round or over , not heed , slight , despise , insult
a-saha: mfn not bearing, not enduring, intolerant, impatient
san = nom. sg. m. present participle as: to be

na: not
anya-dhanam (acc. sg.): another's goods
anya: other, somebody else
dhanam: goods, wealth, money
apajahaara = 3rd pers. sg. perfect apa- √ hR: to snatch away , carry off , plunder
tathaa: in like manner

bhujagaat = abl. sg. bhujaga: m. (fr. bhuja + ga) " going in curves ", a snake , serpent
iva: like, as
anya-vibhavaad (abl. sg.): from another's wealth
anya: other
vibhava: m. power; m. (also pl.) wealth , money , property , fortune ; m. luxury , anything sumptuary or superfluous
hi: for
vivyathe = 3rd pers. sg. perfect vyath: trembled, wavered, went astray; (with ablative) swerved away from, shrank from.

vibhav’-anvito ‘pi taruNo ‘pi
viShaya-capal’-endriyo ‘pi san
n’aiva ca para-yuvatiir agamat
paramaM hi taa dahanato ‘py amanyata

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Even the man of money and youth,

His senses excited by objects of affection:

Even he never approached others' wives,

For he saw them as more dangerous than a burning fire.

vibhav’-anvitaH (nom. sg. m.): wealthy
vibhava: wealth, money, riches
anvita: mfn. gone along with ; joined , attended , accompanied by , connected with , linked to ; having as an essential or inherent part , endowed with , possessed of , possessing
api: even, however
taruNaH (nom. sg. m.): mfn. " progressive " , young , tender , juvenile; m. a youth,
api: even, however

viShaya-capal’-endriyaH (nom. sg m.): one whose bodily power is unsteady due to sense-objects
viShaya: object, sense-object, end ; anything perceptible by the senses , any object of affection or concern or attention , any special worldly object or aim or matter or business , (pl.) sensual enjoyments , sensuality
capala: mfn. moving to and fro , shaking , trembling , unsteady , wavering ; wanton , fickle , inconstant ; quick
indriya: n. bodily power , power of the senses ; n. virile power ; n. faculty of sense , sense , organ of sense
api: even, however
san = nom. sg. m. present participle as: to be

na: not
eva: ever, indeed
ca: and
para-yuvatiiH (acc. pl.): others' wives
para: others, strangers
yuvati: f. a girl , young woman , any young female animal
agamat = 3rd pers. sg. aorist gam: to go to or towards , approach ; to approach carnally , have sexual intercourse with (acc.)

paramam (acc. sg. n.): mfn. (superl. of para) most distant , remotest , extreme ; (with abl.) superior or inferior to , better or worse than
hi: for
taaH (acc. pl. f.): them
dahana: mfn. burning, consuming by fire ; m. fire
-taH: (ablative suffix)
api: even
amanyata = 3rd pers. sg. imperfect (middle voice) man: to think , believe , imagine ; to regard or consider any one or anything (acc.) as (acc.)

an-Rtam jagaada na ca kash cid
Rtam api jajalpa n'aa-priyaM
shlakShNam api ca na jagaav a-hitaM
hitam apy uvaaca na ca paishunaaya yat

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Nobody told an untruth,

Nor made true but nasty gossip,

Nor crooned slick but malicious words.

Nor spoke kindly words that had a backbiting motive.

an-Rtam (acc. sg.): mfn. untrue ; n. falsehood , lying , cheating
jagaada = 3rd pers. sg. perfect gad: speak articulately, say, tell
na: not
ca: and
kash cid (nom. sg. m.): anyone

Rtam (acc. sg.): mfn. proper , right , fit , apt , suitable; true ; n. truth in general
api: even
jajalpa = 3rd pers. sg. perfect jalp: speak inarticulately, chatter, prattle, gossip
na: not
a-priyam (acc. sg.): mfn. disagreeable , disliked ; unkind , unfriendly

shlakShNam (acc. sg.): mfn. slippery, smooth, polished, gentle, tender, slick
api: even
ca: and
na: not
jagau = 3rd pers. sg. perfect gai: sing, speak or recite in a singing manner
a-hitam (acc. sg.): unfit, improper; unfriendly; not beneficial; hostile, noxious, hurtful

hitam (acc. sg.): mfn. beneficial, advantageous; n. (sg. or pl.) anything useful or salutary or suitable or proper , benefit , advantage , profit , service , good , welfare , good advice &c
api: even
uvaaca = 3rd pers. sg. perfect vac: to speak
na: not
ca: and
paishunaaya = dat. sg. paishuna: n. (fr. pishuna) tale-bearing , back-biting , calumny , malignity , wickedness
pishuna: mfn. back-biting , slanderous , calumnious , treacherous , malignant , base , wicked ; a backbiter , informer , betrayer
yat (acc. sg. n.): what, that which

manasaa lulobha na ca jaatu
para-vasuShu gRddha-maanasaH
kaama-sukham a-sukhato vimRshan
vijahaara tRpta iva tatra saj-janaH

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No greedy-minded person, in his heart,

Had any designs at all on the treasures of others;

Perceiving the happiness of sensual pleasures
to be no happiness,

The wise went freely on their way,
as if satisfied in that area already.

manasaa = inst. sg. manas: mind
lulobha = 3rd pers. sg. perfect lubh: to be perplexed or disturbed , become disordered , go astray ; to desire greatly or eagerly , long for , be interested in (dat. or loc.)
na: not
ca: and
jaatu: ind. at all, ever

para-vasuShu (loc. pl.): others' goods
para: others
vasu: n. wealth , goods , riches , property
gRddha-maanasaH (nom. sg. m.): one of greedy mind
gRddha (from gridh, to strive after greedily): mfn. desirous of, eagerly longing for
maanasa: n. the mental powers, mind, spirit, heart, soul ( = manas).

kaama-sukham (acc. sg.): sensual pleasure
kaama: pleasure, enjoyment; love, especially sexual love or sensuality
sukha: pleasure, happiness
asukhataH: ind. uneasily, uncomfortably, unpleasantly, unhappily
a-sukha: mfn. unhappy , sorrowful ; painful
-taH: (ablative/adverbial suffix)
vimRshan = nom. sg. m. present participle vi- √ mRsh: to touch mentally, be aware of, perceive

vijahaara = 3rd pers. sg. perfect vi- √ hR: to move on , walk ; to spend or pass (time) ; to roam , wander through (acc.) (esp.) to walk or roam about for pleasure , divert one's self ; spend time, roam, disport oneself
tRptaH (nom. sg. m.): mfn. satiated , satisfied
iva: like
tatra: there, in that matter
saj-janaH (nom. sg.): m. a good or virtuous or wise man

na parasya kash cid apaghaatam
api ca sa-ghRNo vyacintayat
sa dadarsha tatra hi parasparaM janaH

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Nobody showed any hostility towards the other;

Rather, they looked on others with positive warmth,

As mother, father, child or friend:

For each person there saw in the other himself.

na: not
parasya = gen. sg. para: m. another
kash cit (nom. sg. m.): anybody
apaghaatam (acc. sg.): striking off, warding off
apa- (prefix): away, off, down
ghaata: mfn. ( √han ) ifc. " killing " ; m. injuring , hurting

api ca: as well, but indeed
saghRnaH (nom. sg. m.): mfn. full of pity , compassionate ; tender of feeling , delicate , scrupulous ; disliking , abhorring (loc.)
sa- (possessive prefix): with
ghRna: m. heat, sunshine, ardour
ghRnaa: f. a warm feeling towards others , compassion , tenderness
vyacintayat = 3rd. pers. imperfect vi- √ cint: to perceive , discern , observe ; to think of , reflect upon , ponder , consider , regard , mind , care for

maatR-pitR-suta-suhRt-sadRsham (acc. sg.): like mother, father, child, or friend
maatR: mother
pitR: father
suta: son, child
suhRt: friend
sadRsha: mfn. like , resembling , similar to

sa (nom. sg. m.): he
dadarsha = 3rd pers. sg. perfect dRsh: to see, regard, consider
tatra: ind. therein, in them
hi: for
parasparam: ind. one another , each other , with or from one another , one another's , mutually , reciprocally
janaH (nom. sg. m.): a person, people (the sg. used collectively )

niyatam bhaviShyati paratra
bhavad api ca bhuuta apy atho
karma-phalam api ca loka-gatir
niyat" eti darshanam avaapa saadhu ca

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That, inevitably, the fruit of conduct
will be realized in the future,

Is being realized now,
and has been realized in the past;

And thus is determined how one fares in the world:

This is an insight that, again,
each experienced unerringly.

niyatam: ind. always , constantly , decidedly , inevitably , surely
bhaviShyati = 3rd pers. sg. future bhuu: to be, become ; to arise , come into being , exist , be found , live , stay , abide , happen , occur
paratra: ind. elsewhere , in another place , in a future state or world , hereafter

bhavat (nom. sg. n. pres. part bhuu): mfn. being; n. the present
api: also
ca: and
bhuutam: mfn. become, been, gone, past; n. the past
api: also
atha: (connecting particle) now, then, indeed

karma-phalam (nom. sg. n.): fruit of actions
karman: action, act, conduct
phala: n. fruit; fruit (met.) , consequence , effect , result , retribution (good or bad) , gain or loss , reward or punishment , advantage or disadvantage
api: also
ca: and
loka-gatiH (nom. sg.): f. " way of the world " , actions of men
loka: free or open space, the wide space or world
gati: f. going , moving , gait , deportment , motion in general ; procession , march , passage , procedure , progress , movement ; path , way , course (e.g. anyataraaM gatiM- √gam , " to go either way " , to recover or die)

niyataa (nom. sg. f.): determined, restrained ; fixed , established , settled , sure , regular , invariable , positive , definite
iti: thus
darshanam (acc. sg.): n. seeing, looking at, knowing, view, insight, visiting, experiencing
avaapa = 3rd pers. sg. perfect avaap: to reach , attain , obtain , gain , get ; to suffer
saadhu (acc. sg. n.): mfn. straight, right; leading straight to a goal, hitting the mark, unerring; well, rightly, skilfully, properly
ca: and

iti karmaNaa dasha-vidhena
parama-kushalena bhuuriNaa
bhraMshini shithila-guNo 'pi yuge
vijahaara tatra muni-saMshrayaaj janaH

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Thus, by a tenfold means,

By the most skillful and powerful means
which is one's own conduct,

Although virtue was lax in a declining age,

The people there, with the sage's help, fared well.

iti: thus, the aforementioned, these
karmaNaa = inst. sg. karman: n. act , action , performance , business
dasha-vidhena (inst. sg): tenfold
dasha: ten
vidhaa: f. division , part , portion (often ifc. = " fold ")

parama-kushalena (inst. sg.): exceedingly skillful ; most wholesome
parama: n. very much , excessively , excellently , in the highest degree kushala: right, proper, suitable, good; well, healthy, wholesome; skillful
bhuuriNaa = inst. sg. bhuuri: great, important, mighty

bhraMshini = loc. sg. bhraMshin: falling, dropping, decaying, decadent
shithila-guNaH (nom. sg.): being lax in virtue
shithila: loose, slack, lax
guNa: m. virtue
api: even, though
yuge = loc. sg. yuga: n. an age of the world

vijahaara = 3rd. pers. sg. perfect vi- √ hR: spend time, roam, disport oneself
tatra: ind. therein, then, therefore, by those means
muni-saMshrayaat (abl. sg.): with the help of the sage
muni: sage
saMshraya: m. conjunction , combination , connection , association (ifc. " joined or connected with "); devotion to , attachment to (ifc. " devoted or attached to " ; saMshrayaat ind. " by means or help of "
janaH (nom. sg.): m. a person, the people

1 comment:

  1. dadhrire = 3rd pers. pl. perfect dhR: to hold , maintain

    Paper manuscript dadhire = 3rd pers. pl. perfect dhaa: to direct or fix the mind or attention (cintām , manas , matim , samādhim &c ) upon , think of (loc. or dat.) , fix or resolve upon (loc. dat. acc. with prati or a sentence closed with iti).

    Hultzsch's conjecture dadhyire = 3rd pers. pl. perfect dhyaa: to meditate.
