Sunday, July 4, 2010

SAUNDARANANDA 2.25: Non-Buddhist Virtues (ctd.) -- Non-Endgaining, Again

bahviir adhyagamad vidyaa
viShayeShv a-kutuuhalaH
sthitaH kaarta-yuge dharme
dharmaat kRcchre 'pi n' aasrasat

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He studied many subjects

Without being interested in objects;

Abiding in dharma as it was in the golden age,

He did not, even in a predicament,
let himself drift from dharma.

This verse as I read it, in a nutshell, is all about not end-gaining.

In terms of the imagery of Chinese Zen, it is all about being content to polish a tile, and sticking to the principle of polishing a tile, without feeling anxious about whether or not one is making a mirror.

Alexander teacher Marjory Barlow said, quoting her uncle, "Stick to principle, and it will all open out like a great big cauliflower!"

Why a cauliflower?

Because if one succeeds in growing a cauliflower one gets a pretty impressive result; at the same time, as vegetables go, a great big cauliflower is not an easy one to grow.

EH Johnston:
Indifferent to sensual pleasures, he studied many sciences and, abiding by the law of righteousness of the golden age, he did not swerve from it even in extremities.

Linda Covill:
He had no interest in sensuality, but studied many sciences, keeping to dharma as it was in the golden age and not straying from it even in rough times.

bahviiH = acc. pl. f. bahu: mfn. much , many , frequent , abundant , numerous
adhyagamat = 3rd pers. sg. aorist adhi- √ gam: to go up to , approach , overtake , to fall in with , to meet , find , discover , obtain ; to accomplish ; to study , read
vidyaaH (acc. pl.): f. knowledge , science , learning , scholarship , philosophy (according to some there are four vidyaas or sciences , 1. trayii , the triple veda ; 2. aanviikShikii , logic and metaphysics ; 3. daNDa-niiti , the science of government ; 4. vaarttaa , practical arts , such as agriculture , commerce , medicine &c ; and Manu adds a fifth , viz. aatma-vidyaa , knowledge of soul or of spiritual truth)

viShayeShu = loc. pl. viShaya: an object of sense ; anything perceptible by the senses , any object of affection or concern or attention , any special worldly object or aim or matter or business , (pl.) sensual enjoyments , sensuality ; any subject or topic , subject-matter ; an object (as opp. to " a subject ")
a-kutuuhalaH (nom. sg. m.): mfn. not taking interest in (loc.)
a: (negative prefix)
kutuuhala n.. curiosity , interest in any extra-ordinary matter ; inclination , desire for (prati loc. or in comp.) ; eagerness , impetuosity ; what excites curiosity , anything interesting , fun

sthitaH (nom. sg. m.): standing , staying , situated , resting or abiding or remaining in (loc. or comp.)
kaarta-yuge (loc. sg.): mfn. relating to the kRta age
kRta: n. N. of the first of the four ages of the world (also called satya or " the golden age ")
yuga: n. a yoke ; an age of the world ,
dharme (loc. sg.): the law, practice, justice, duty etc.

dharmaat (abl. sg.): the law, practice, justice, duty etc.
kRcchre (loc. sg.): mn. difficulty , trouble , labour , hardship , calamity , pain , danger
api: even
na: not
aarasat = 3rd pers. sg. aorist sraMs: to fall , drop , fall down , slip off , get loose from (abl.) ; to fall asunder or to pieces ; to hang down , dangle , drop; to be broken , perish , cease ; to go

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