Saturday, November 14, 2009

SAUNDARANANDA 15.21: Unhelpful Ideas (ctd.)

shreyaso vighna-karaNaad
bhavanty aatma-vipattaye
paatrii-bhaav'-opaghaataat tu

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Because they create obstacles to the higher good,

They lead to the falling apart of the self;

And because they undermine the worthy condition,

They lead to the falling apart of the other's trust.

Shreyas, the higher good, as I read it, means the right thing that tends to do itself when I stop doing the wrong thing. That the right thing is being allowed to do itself -- in functions like breathing, sleeping, digestion, and circulation -- is the essence of health. The more a person does the wrong thing, the more his or her health suffers. And such doing of the wrong thing, when it is investigated in detail, can invariably traced back to some unhelpful idea.

Equally, patrii-bhaava, the worthy condition, as I read it, means the integrity which makes a person trustworthy. And interference with this integrity, when this interference is investigated in detail, again generally arises from the combination of faulty sensory appreciation and some unhelpful idea.

When it really comes down to it, what do I want?

First up, I want to stop doing the wrong thing.

And in the practice of the stopping of this wrong-doing, daily experience proves, one of the most constructive ideas I can have, benefitting in equal measure self and others, is the idea of giving up whatever unhelpful idea might be at the root of this wrong-doing.

EH Johnston:
They lead not only to one's own ruin by placing an obstacle in the way of the highest good, but also to the ruin of others' devotion by destruction of the state of grace.

Linda Covill:
Because they act as obstacles to Excellence, they cause personal failure; and because of the damage done to the worthy condition, they also lead to the failure in the loyalties of others.

shreyasaH = gen. sg. shreyas: n. the better state , the better fortune or condition; m. good (as opp. to " evil ") , welfare , bliss , fortune , happiness
vighna: m. a breaker , destroyer ; an obstacle , impediment , hindrance
karaNaad = ablative karaNa: n. the act of making , doing , producing , effecting (very often ifc.)

bhavanti = 3rd pers. pl. bhuu: to become, be
aatma: self
vipattaye = dative vipatti (from vi- √pad): f. going wrongly , adversity , misfortune , failure , disaster ; ruin, destruction
vi-√pad: to fall or burst asunder ; to come between , intervene , prevent , hinder ; to go wrongly , fail , miscarry , come to nought , perish die
vi: ind. (prob. for an original dvi , meaning " in two parts ") apart , asunder , in different directions
√pad: to fall , fall down or out , perish

paatrii: ind. in comp. for paatra
paatra: n. any vessel or receptacle ; (met.) a capable or competent person , an adept in , master of (gen.) , any one worthy of or fit for ; propriety , fitness
bhaava: m. (from √ bhuu) becoming; state , condition
upaghaataat = ablative upaghaata: m. (fr. upa- √han) , a stroke , hurt , violation ; injury , damage , offence , wrong
upa- √han, to beat , hit at , strike , touch; to stick on , put on , force in , ram ; to take hold of , seize , take out ; to hit , hurt , damage , visit , afflict , impede , spoil
upa: ind. towards , near to (opposed to apa , away) , by the side of , with , together with , under , down
√han: to strike , beat (also a drum) , pound , hammer (acc.) , strike &c upon (loc.) ; to smite , slay , hit , kill , mar , destroy
tu: but etc.

para: m. another (different from one's self)
bhakti: f. attachment , devotion , fondness for , devotion to (with loc. , gen. or ifc.) , trust
vipattaye (dative vipatti): for falling apart

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