Thursday, July 9, 2009

SAUNDARANANDA 13.3: He The Trainer Trained

shlakShNena vacasaa kaaMsh cit
kaaMsh cit paruShayaa giraa
kaaMsh cid aabhyaam upaayaabhyaam
sa vininye vinaayakaH

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Some in soothing tones,

Some with tough talk,

Some by both these means,

He the trainer trained.

In temple or brothel,
Beyond love and hate,
A bell is a bell,
A gate is a gate.

If you wish to commit it,
Or wash away sin,
You don't need a ticket:
Just ring and walk in.

As a gate is a gate
And a bell is a bell,
Translators translate.
And businessmen sell.

There are climbers up mountains
And surfers on beaches.
He's a trainer who trains,
And a teacher who teaches.

No, I don't twitter,
Though I can be a twit.
But I have been a sitter.
As a sitter, you sit.

EH Johnston:
The Teacher converted some by soft words, some by harsh speech and some by both methods.

Linda Covill:
The trainer trained some with gentle words, some with robust speech, and some with both these methods.

shlakShNena = instrumental of shlakShNa: slippery , smooth , polished , even , soft , tender , gentle
vacasaa = instrumental of vacas: speech , voice , word ; singing , song (of birds) ; advice , direction
kaan = accusative, plural of kaH: (interrogative pronoun)
kaaMsh cit (accusative, plural): some

kaaMsh cit: some
paruShayaa = instrumental, f. of paruSha: hard , stiff , rugged , rough , uneven , shaggy ; piercing , keen , sharp , violent , harsh , severe , unkind ; n. harsh and contumelious speech , abuse
giraa = instrumental of gir: f. speech , speaking , language , voice , words

kaaMsh cit: some
aabhyaam = instrumental dual of ayam: this
upaayaabhyaam = instrumental dual of upaaya: m. coming near , approach , arrival ; that by which one reaches one's aim , a means or expedient

saH (nominative, singular): he
vininye = 3rd person perfect of vi- √ nii: to lead or take away , remove ; to train , tame , guide (horses) ; to educate , instruct , direct
vinaayakaH (nominative, singluar): taking away, removing ; m. " Remover (of obstacles) " ; m. a leader , guide ; m. a Guru or spiritual preceptor


  1. your comment there caused some spontaneous laughter. Thanks

  2. Thanks Jordan.

    I figured the gold in the bold wouldn't be tainted by the impurity of my twittish comments.

    All the best,

