Monday, May 11, 2009

SAUNDARANANDA 16.88: Bhaddali to Kotikarna

saMgraamajid bhadrajid ashvajic ca
shroNash ca shoNash ca sa-koTikarNaH

Bhaddali, Bhadrayana, Sarpa-dasa,

Subhuti, Go-datta, Sujata, Vatsa,

Sangramajit, Bhadrajit, and Ashvajit,

Shrona and Shona Kotikarna,

These twelve are the 16th to the 27th names in the list, including Subhuti, one of the ten major disciples.

A search in the Buddhist Dictionary of Pali Proper Names yields the following entry on Bhaddali:

When the Buddha, at Jetavana, laid down the rule that monks should eat one meal a day and that in the morning, Bhaddáli protested and refused to keep this rule because he said that, in so eating, he would be a prey to scruples and misgivings. For three months he avoided the Buddha, until, just before the Buddha was starting on a journey, Bhaddáli, acting on the advice of his fellow monks, confessed his fault to the Buddha and begged for forgiveness (M.i.437ff). The Buddha praised this action and preached to him the Bhaddáli Sutta (q.v.).

There is also an entry for Godatta.

This verse is simply a list of twelve autonomous individuals linked by the four noble truths that each had made his own, not primarily through philosophical understanding or group activity, but through finding for himself what the Buddha had found for himself: the truth of sitting in solitude without fixing or slumping, enuncumbered by greed, ill-will, ignorance or any lesser fault.

EH Johnston:
Bhaddali, Bhadrayana, Sarpadasa, Subhuti, Godatta, Sujata, Vatsa, Samgramajit, Bhadrajit, and Asvajit, Srona, Sona Kotikarna,

Linda Covill:
Bhaddali, Bhadrayana, Sarpa-dasa, Subhuti, Go-datta, Sujata, Vatsa, Sangramajit, Bhadrajit, and Ashvajit, Shrona, Shona Kotikarna,

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