Tuesday, May 20, 2008

7. Cleansing

There is practice and enlightenment that the buddha-ancestors have guarded and observed: it is called the negation of tainting.

The sixth ancestor in China, Daikan Eno, asks Nangaku Ejo: "Are you into practice and enlightenment?"

Nangaku Ejo replies, "It is not that there is no practice and enlightenment, but tainting them is just what is not allowed."

Daikan Eno says, "This not tainting, and this alone, is what the buddhas guard and attend to. You are like that and so am I, and so were the ancestral masters of India..."

-- to be continued, maybe...


  1. Mike,

    Have you considered that your function on this planet may be to help some end gaining, diligent Western Zen novice to NOT try and wash his or her hole with balls of dirt?



  2. Washing is not allowed to be tainted by dirt because Sitting is not allowed to be tainted by real Buddhism, or by Buddhist realism, or by balance of the autonomic nervous system, or by keeping the spine straight vertically.

    When Master Tendo wrote that a cuckoo cried up above a lonely cloud, the last word, originally that Master Tendo wrote was... UP.

    Have you understood anything at all? I don't think so.

  3. Likely not, Mike. I still derive pleasure from bum jokes though. I understand them.



  4. May I point you, when you are done with pleasuring yourself, in the direction of the next chapter? --> Kicking into action the bodhi-mind.

  5. From the real thing to "a form of masturbation for the mind" as the current pope once styled it.


    Harry a.k.a "Knuckles"
